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Haven't heard of capsule wardrobe?

Known also as project 333, capsule wardrobe is a mini wardrobe made up of your favourite pieces that you NEVER get bored of wearing. It's a 33-piece wardrobe, which is usually rotated every 3 months and contains tops, bottoms, outwear and shoes.

Why is it a great idea?

I am sure all of us sometimes think that we have nothing to wear, even if our closet is filled with clothes. Also we buy some trendy and fancy clothes and we end up dress with our favourite old ones. It is believed that we use only the 20% of our clothes. So the question is; Why are we keeping all this stuff? Why are we spending money in things that we won't wear? We have to realize that we can be happy with a lot less.

How to start a capsule wardrobe?

Step 1: It is very important to empty and clean up your closet first. I know it sounds difficult, but it works. Take everything out of your wardrobe and put it in your bed.

Step 2: Devide your clothes in 3 piles.

A) Love it and would wear it everyday;It fits you well. You feel comfortable wearing it. It's your style

B) Maybe; Clothes that don't fit you so much. You don't like the colour. You don't enjoy wearing them. Put these clothes in a box. If you won't wear them for the next 6 months donate them. It means that you don't need these clothes.

c) Absolutely not; You have never worn them. They are some old-fashioned clothes. Maybe gifts. Donate, swap or sell them.

Step 3: If these clothes that you kept are 33 then you have the perfect wardrobe. If they are more, check if there is anything that you don't like as much as the other ones. If they are less, see if you can find something of the clothes you put in the 2nd pile that maybe you will wear more and find an outfit with it. Unless you don't find something then it is a good chance to go for shopping. I am sure you will find wonderful pieces.

Step 4: Check your wardrobe for one last time. If you can't take your eyes from it, then you have the most amazing capsule wardrobe.

You should definitely watch these sites and videos for more information and tips:

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