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Ballet - inspired fashion

Have you always wanted to become a dancer but you couldn't? With this new fashion trend it is about time that your dream will become true. The ballet - inspired fashion is an amazing way to mix the clothes you wear at the barre with your everyday ones.

Ever since I was a little girl, I always had the love for ballet. I did this kind of dance for nine years. One thing I love about it is the clothing. The extremely beautiful point shoes, the cute skirts, the bodysuits.

From Coco Chanel to Valentino Garavani, desingers have been inspired by ballet and they have drown ideas from ballet classes and performances, creating amazing pieces in black and ballet pink.

Now, I am sharing all of the inspiration from the catwalks, included dresses in the softest shades, tulle skirts, lace-up shoes and sleek bodysuits.

1) These are some pieces and ways to wear them

2) These are some celebrities wearing ballet-inspired outfits

In the first picture, we can see Elle Fanning is wearing a black ballet skirt paired with a red leotard.

In the second image, we see Jamie King after a ballet class with pink tights, black shorts and a crop top.

In the third foto, Alexa Chung looks stunning in a black leotard, a pair of denim shorts and point shoes around her neck.

3) Some further inspiration for those who want to feel like ballerinas again or even for the first time...

Source of the images: Pinterest

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