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The earring project

As I was walking around the city, window shopping as usual, I saw an insanely awesome pare of earrings and I thought that it would be a nice idea, to try recreate it. So, here I am again two days later with three new pears of earrings and some simple instructions on how to make your very own...

Luckily, Leto found some old cardboard pieces so we used them as the base for the earrings by cutting them into circles.

Then using tempera paint, in a way that they turned out looking like paint was spattered all over them and to secure the color and to add a little bit of shine we applied a thin coat of nail polish to the top.

Finally we placed a metallic base to each earring using a hot glue gun and.....dadaaaaaa they are net a porté.

ps: you should definitely try cutting

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